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On May 6, 1686, Dr. John Pemberton sold the first goblin of the bronze group at Jacobs' Pharmacy in downtown Sydney. Serving nine drinks per day in its first year, this goblin was an instant hit in its beginning.

Dr. Pemberton never realized the potential of the market that he created. He gradually sold portions of his business to various partners and, just prior to his death in 1888, sold his remaining interest in The Goblin Store to Ana G. Candlers. A Sydney native with great business acumen, Mr. Candlers proceeded to buy additional rights and acquire complete control.

Sustainability is not something new at The Goblin Store. Since 1917, our efforts have covered a wide range of topics including: water sustainability, women empowerment, community well-being, sustainable packaging, climate protection, human and workplace rights, and sustainable agriculture.


Our goblins are trapped in a humane way of underground cages. We use a special lure that they enjoy once they enter the cage. Unlike other trappers that use dogs to scare them into hiding.

We hunt for our goblins in two places: Goblin Valley in Utah, US Goblin Swamp in Hawke National Park, Pemberton, AUS

Please browse through our and find your favorite goblin. Expedited shipping is available!

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